Sports Illustrated’s SportsKid Of The Year On How Golf Changed His Life by NBC NEWS
The game of golf teed up a new world for 11-year-old Carter Bonas. Lester Holt shares Carter’s story about how the sport helped him with his autism and inspired him to want to help other kids.
Why the name Spectrum Golf? you may ask.
I had a chance to meet Carter Bonas, and it was nice talking with him, “I was diagnosed with autism before I was one year old. My entire life I’ve been told I’m high on the spectrum. “High Functioning, Even though I am on the high-functioning side of the autism spectrum, that did not stop other kids from bullying and teasing me or calling me mean names. After many years of being teased in elementary school because I am “special,” my mom and my therapist helped me learn how to control my emotions and behavior. And I’m still working hard at it, every day.. Yes, I am special; yes, I am different; yes, I am weird, and that’s OK. I’m unique and different and that’s OK. I learned to embrace my differences.” – Carter. Mr. Carter, you made history. To learn more about Carter go to the link below: