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Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty of killing two people at Black Lives Matter protest in Kenoshaby by Jordan Hayne

LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted On All Charges | NBC News

A Wisconsin jury on Friday found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges in the fatal shooting of two men during protests in Kenosha nearly 15 months ago.

Kyle Rittenhouse is standing on a street in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with an assault rifle strapped to his chest.

“Our job is to protect this business,” the teenager says to a journalist, gesturing to a car dealership behind him.

“And part of my job is to help. If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way.

“That’s why I have my rifle.”

The 17-year-old isn’t a soldier or a police officer. He’s a lifeguard at a nearby swimming pool.

But he’s just minutes away from using the gun to kill two men and seriously injure a third. To learn more go to the link below: ℗ is your source to learn about the broad and beautiful spectrum of our shared History.