World History

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Gloucester County NJ

Gloucester County New Jersey is a picturesque area with many historic homes and pastoral scenes.

All rights to the photos are reserved by Janice Brown.

AURA, N.J. – photograph of Aura Methodist Church (located on Aura-Willowgrove Road & Route 610, right in the center of town. Looking through the tree limbs at the top you can see the steeple.

Death of the Fox Inn, Mount Royal NJ. The inn was built around 1727.
It got its name because the hunters of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club

(1766 to 1818) often gathered at the inn after the chase. This was the first such hunt club in America. The first owner was Christopher Taylor. During the American Revolution it was used for recruiting and as a military headquarters. ℗ is your source to learn about the broad and beautiful spectrum of our shared History.